The Apostolic Christian Store is managed by

Onward Media

Enriching resources that support the church and its members


Welcome to the Apostolic Christian Bookstore (formerly known as Apostolic Christian Publications). Spend time browsing and looking around — we've been adding new products. You'll find a lot of helpful materials available to promote spiritual growth and religious training. This bookstore exists to disseminate Christian materials, relating to the needs, purposes and functions of the Apostolic Christian Church of America and uphold our denomination's beliefs which are listed in our Statement of Faith.

Retail Store Hours

8:30 AM — 11:30 AM (Central time)

Monday thru Friday

Other times available by appointment by calling Rachel at 309-326-3050 ext. 3

Open 24/7 via this website, phone, or email!

Stay informed about new products and specials.

Sign up for our Emails through the button below.
(Be sure to check the "AC Bookstore" box.)


Ordering Options

To order via phone or email at any time of day, call 309-965-2611 or write Please provide stock numbers for each item requested.

Get a PDF file with our current price list and mail-in order form.


We attempt to fill all orders within 48-hours

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.

Psalms 26:7

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