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THE INITIAL CORRECTION ROUND IS COMPLETED! However, additional corrections have come to our attention. Please leave a comment if you would like the Correction Sheet #2 i
ncluded for each Gospel Hymns you order
. There are 4 more hymns whose last line is missing.
The Gospel Hymns update is completed! In order to keep all the 2-page songs on the same spread after music was added to all the hymns and the book was reformatted, 22 songs were added to the Gospel Hymns. This updated Gospel Hymns can be used alongside earlier versions as all previous song numbers are the same except that now some have (a) designations.
The additions were selected by the AC Music Committee and approved by the Onward Media Counseling Elders. The Gospel Hymns has been amended numerous times with new songs over its long history.
This updated hymnbook is a collection of 885 songs for children, the middle-aged, and those at life's sunset. There are a couple indexes at the back: one is of the first lines and titles of all the songs and the other is a topical index for ease in finding appropriate songs for many occasions. LARGER BOOK: 6 x 8.5 x 2 inches. 2.65 pounds each. (12/box if buying in bulk)
Apostolic Christian
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